John and Kim

John and Kim

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day Five: Working at the Zarqa School, 7/14/11

It was a long, hot day of removing LOTS of dirt from an area in the parking lot with a pick-axe, shovel & buckets, probably a dump truck load. We loosened the dirt with the pick-axe, shoveled it into buckets and then carried it to a place where it could be dumped. It took most of us the entire day to get the dirt dug out of the area that will be cemented as it had to be about 6 inches below the level of the adjoining pavement. The dirt was packed very hard and had small rock mixed into it. This will eventually be paved like the rest of the parking area. It was really hot, but a lot of dirt was removed today. Drs. Jamey & Jim, nurse Helen and two of our Jordanian friends serving as translators began their 3 days of work at the clinic today. Others in the group painted, prepared for next week's Vacation Bible School and fixed meals for us. Pictures are of the Zarqa church, Fred McCauley sporting the rubber "buckets" used to haul dirt, Pam Kintz and others painting, the permanent awning (where we ate) and the dirt being removed from the area that will eventually be paved.

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